Sunday, June 5, 2016

Laying Down the Template for Your Fulfillment: New to Full Moon

Cosmologically Speaking, today's New Moon in Gemini is the time to inscribe the template for your fulfillment.

Over the next two weeks in the build-up to the Strawberry Full Moon (also known as Rose Full Moon in Europe) in Sagittarius find a new way to communicate your intentions for your fulfillment.  Write it down or record it.  By fulfillment I am referring to expanding into more of your potential in such a way that brings you emotional satisfaction... in such a way that activates your inner smile, your feel good factor, a way that ignites your spine, your passion... your love.

 All of us are like flow-ers.   We are here to bloom in the expression(s) of our unique essence.

 A few years ago a man who had offered to do marketing and publicity for me told me of his frustration in presenting my offerings to the public arena.  He had been drawn to work with me because he liked that I am what he referred to as "a renaissance person." However after trying to market me he had run into a challenge.  One day he exclaimed in exasperation "I am finding that people do not trust you because no one can offer those many tools and do them well unless they are a Supreme Being." I smiled and asked him how does one know when they are in the presence of one who is living their Supreme Self?  He was stymied ... and offered no response.  Not meaning to be arrogant, rather to ask each of us - How do you know when you are living from your Supreme Self - the Self that radiates the light of your Creator, the Self that expresses a different gift through each of your fingers and toes?  Certainly a place to start is to discover if you are aware of twenty-one things you do well.  Be sure to include things such as smiling, brushing your teeth, grieving, sleeping, thinking, relating and all the other exciting things you may take for granted.  As Bruce Lee said to his students Take what works and go from there.

This New Moon is all about the ways you communicate - the way you put information together. 
Start that article or book you have inside.

Discover the ways you communicate that work.  
Let yourself discover a new way of communicating to expand your knowledge... even if it means being quiet in times when you typically speak.    Knowledge is power and leads to wisdom. New moons in general are excellent times to energetically set intention.  Intention requires words.  Words are powerful.  In the beginning was the word, etc....They are energy magnets.  There are other ways of communicating through music, art, telepathically through prayer, physically through use of your eyes and hands.  Let yourself explore the diversity in your communication tool box.  This is a time to employ versatility.  Organize the details of your fulfillment template.  Open the door for your inner genius to walk out.  Draw from your dreams, nature, poetry, philosophies - past and present - and see what starts to emerge on the Full Moon on the 20th.  It will be in Sagittarius.  Generate or extract a mantra for yourself to repeat three times a day.  You select the times.  Keep the pulse of your mantra flowing everyday for two weeks. Let me know what you see that you had not seen before in the light of the Full Moon in two weeks.  Go ahead.  Take a step into the personal growth and expansion that is illuminated on the 20th.

Happy planting and growing your template garden for fulfillment!


Dr. Khaleghl Quinn, Ph.D. is a best selling Author, Soul Purpose Coach, Spiritual Teacher and Composer.  Appointments may be made by writing:  She is currently offering Music Healing Events, Sabbaticals for the School for Applied Theology and Meditation for Sagrada Sacred Arts.

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