Monday, June 20, 2016

Part II - SOLSTICE FULL MOON 2016: Reparent Your Genie

Cosmologically Speaking, the last time we had this combination of the Summer Solstice and the Full Moon was in 1948.  Sun in nurturing Cancer, the Mother archetype and the Moon in Capricorn, the protective providing Father archetype, brings us into the light of our relationship with our parents.
What has been most enduring gift from your parents, besides the gift of life?  Even if you have had the most non-nurturing, non-protective parents, the fact remains ...they have given you something. Your discovery of these gifts serve as a launching pad into your unique destiny.  Accepting the gifts can be incredibly healing.

Any issues around how you are nurtured and nurture as well as how you are protected, guided and provided for are up for review.  Embracing your vulnerability and your feelings as a source of inner strength is a good place to start.  When I presented my U.K. television series, Stand Your Ground, it became patently clear to me that there are certain factors that contribute to what I call the Bully-Victim Syndrome.  More often than not, a bully is one who was taught by the father to not display feelings of vulnerability such as sadness...usually boys.  So the child learns to suppress these expressions of the inner most self which gets played out on others they perceive as being weak.  Little girls are taught to suppress anger as it is "not ladylike behavior"...often by both parents.  So the girl learns to suppress her natural expressive/protective fire and becomes more susceptible to becoming a chronic victim of the will of others.  Sadly, on a larger social scale the adage:  Men kill off their weak and women kill off their strong becomes a behavioral norm... 

We can learn to reparent ourselves so that we may love ourselves into fulfilling more of our potential.  We needn't remain stuck in the clutches of parents who did not live out their assigned archetypes.  Thank them if they are/were helpful and loving guides for you.  Release them if they were not.  First, honor and embrace the divine inner child that you are - a carrier of unique truth and light.  Then make a list of the kind of parents you would give yourself.  What kind of structures would you set up for your inner child to ensure that she/he grows in an atmosphere of love, beauty and protection.  Turn it into your daily action mantra.  If you are a parent may this be a reminder to the key ways you nurture and protect your children.   Capricorn, the seagoat, likes to rise from the depths of the sea get to the top of the mountain.  I am thinking of how Lebron James, a Capricorn, bloomed into his talents and made NBA history last night leading his team to victory.  Even though I am a Warriors fan, I have to say that he is certainly an example of one who has reparented himself with his mind and the development of his body - especially in the face of adversity, and against all odds.

As we move deeper into summer, may we become the architects of environments that allow our inner genie, our genius, to flourish.

Happy constructing!  Happy nurturing!  May blessings abound!

Dr.  Khaleghl Quinn is a Best Selling Author, Spiritual Teacher, Composer and Qigong Master.  She currently teaches meditation as Sagrada Sacred Arts and private advanced classes in meditation and qigong and offers Personal Soul/Cosmological Consultations as well as Music Healing Events.
Dr. Quinn offers consultations for individuals, families and corporations by appointment.  

1 comment:

  1. As always, your blogs are clear, powerful and so very well stated! Thank you Khaleghl for sharing your deep wisdom with us so that we may be reminded of our own divine truths within us!
