Monday, June 20, 2016

Part I - TIME to UNCORK the GENIE and GIVE it a NEW HOME

Cosmologically Speaking, whether it be a change in status, a new awareness about your parents, a karmic insight, an emergence of something edifying that has been hithertofore unconscious, the light of this Strawberry/Rose full moon in Sagittarius raises your consciousness from the "lower" thinking mind to the more expansive intuitive use of mind.  Two full moons in the sign of Sagittarius within the space of a month is a rare opportunity to strengthen the use of your logical mind and a highly fertile time to expand into the bigger picture of the intuit mind.  It is a time to reveal and express your most potent philosophies of life.  What do you believe?  Point it out and go for it with confidence and ease.  

The etymology of the word genius suggests that each of us is assigned a little attendant or genie at birth to support our moving into our highest potential.  Well, my friends, it is time to uncork the genie of your soul and let it guide and support us.  Just pause for a moment in a safe comfortable place.  Imagine that your soul has just offered you a beautiful bottle that contains a message or messages from your soul,  release the cork and let them billow out of the bottle in full HD technicolor ...perhaps like an enormous quotation symbol or a hot air balloon.  What images show up?  Let yourself revel in the magic of their presence.  This is your innate presence coming to you in full bloom.  And although it may be fragile initially,  continue to breathe the oxygen of your presence into it.  Gently occupy it and protect it until it becomes hardwired into who your perceive yourself to be.

Remember in my last blog I asked you to let me know which of the seeds of your intentions are starting to show up in the light of this full moon?  I am happy to hear from my clients today and some of you have messaged me about what changes have occurred.  Look for them.  They are there... even if they appear as tendrils of change in the direction of the intentions you planted two weeks ago. 

 Celebrate any change.  Remember what you celebrate grows as your are shedding your light and powerful joy upon it when you celebrate.  When my father and family was stationed in Guam when we were youngsters, in addition to being in love with the beautiful beach life, we loved going to the fiestas the Guamanians would frequently lay out with good food, drink, flowers and song for community celebration.  Any change for the better was an opportunity to celebrate.  If two neighbors who had a dispute resolved it...celebrate!  If two lovers reconciled...celebrate!  If a child got a new puppy...celebrate!  You name it - any upgrade in the lives of the community became grounds for the celebratory fiesta!  When you live with gratitude and look at your life from the bigger picture there is always a reason to celebrate! 

Receive it and radiate it.  Let your light shine!  

Part II - ...And the Solstice Completes It:  Sun in Cancer, Moon in Capricorn

Dr.  Khaleghl Quinn is a Best Selling Author, Spiritual Teacher, Composer and Qigong Master.  She currently teaches meditation as Sagrada Sacred Arts and private advanced classes in meditation and qigong and offers Personal Soul/Cosmological Consultations as well as Music Healing Events.
Dr. Quinn offers consultations for individuals, families and corporations by appointment.  

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