Friday, May 20, 2016


Cosmologically Speaking, this Full Moon on the 21st reveals the necessary expression of what was planted on the New Moon on May 6th.  The new moon in Taurus consciously or unconsciously awakened the most undeniable keys to who you are and why you are here.   Once discovered the intention was set to to germinate and propel you into becoming that divine seed within your being.  

Your time has come to expand into your heart and communicate from your soul at a level that serves your Self awareness and your role in the evolution of humanity.  

The full moon this weekend shines its light on the ways you may choose to set up the environments, friends, subjects and creatures that nurture this sacred ground of who you instinctively know yourself to be - not the self that fear may direct, rather the illuminated Self that carries unmistakable directional strength, unfathomable love, influence and healing power.  It is time to heighten sensitivity to what feeds this aspect of you.  The unfolding of your greater Self is at hand.  Your time has come to expand into your heart and communicate from your soul at a level that serves your Self awareness and your role in the evolution of humanity.   Allow yourself to go deep.  Listen to your heart and bring forth the holy grail that is your assignment from your maker.  You are a unique facet of the great diamond of the greater consciousness.  It time to embrace your part of this greater consciousness.

If we meditate. self reflect, journal, dance and slow down we will find ourselves rewarded.

At first this may seem a daunting task.  With five planets having been retrograde over the last few months we are charged to go inward, to restructure and reorganize our attitudes toward who we are, to purify and clean off what may have come through trauma and personal as well as social ignorance.  Most of us have experienced the cloud of mishaps in communication that Murphy's Law can overshadow.  However, if we meditate. self reflect, journal, dance and slow down we will find ourselves rewarded.  Mercury is the first of the five to go direct on Sunday.  This shift will lighter our abilities to communicate what we have discovered inside.  There are so many ways to do this - through words, silence, art, music, poetry, and many more.  It is a good time to take a step forward, to see the bigger picture of who you are, to boldly step forward from what you have gleaned from your ancestors and to release yourself from their limitations fueled by their gifts.  Keep looking inside the looking glass and don't let fear prevent you from celebrating the treasures you find.  

After all, why were you born?  

Reveal and rejoice! 

Khaleghl Quinn, PhD, is a best-selling author, spiritual teacher, personal cosmologist, and composer.

Personal and corporate consultations are available by appointment:

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