Monday, November 28, 2016


Cosmologically Speaking, this New Moon in Sagittarius, is the time to plant the seeds of your intention for what you want grow into.  The Sagittarius archetype awakens our intuitive knowing beyond book learning.  It represents our desire to expand beyond our limitations through higher education, the big picture, intuition, philosophy, confidence, optimism, teaching, preaching, public speaking, publishing and sport.


As the days are getting shorter, winter draws us in and darkness seems to have the upper hand.   What better time to go inside ourselves to the inner light.   Sagittarius is the fire sign that has been described as a candle that brings its magic into the moment.  It is pure inspiration.  Consciousness is the part of Self that is integrated into the details of our daily life.  It is the light you bring to every moment, your ethical and moral attitudes which are driven by your beliefs.  It is who is looking behind your eyes, who is listening inside your ears, who is feeling inside your heart, etc.  Belief is thought that is repeated over a period of time - usually three months or more.  It is the bridge between thought and physical manifestation.  In other words, when thought congeals into feeling in your heart, it becomes belief.  Belief is the bridge and the magnet that brings your thoughts, your vision into "reality."  It is a known fact that we tend to think ten thousand thoughts a day and 90+% of them are negative self or other denigrating ones. Yikes! Just think of what is being manifested!  Consciousness is contagious in the fields we occupy.  This means our attitudes and beliefs are impacting everything in our environments.  It could very well be that each us energy-wielding beings is the universe expanding itself.  What do you want to see grow in yourself, your environment, your family? Write it down and/or record it as your New Moon intent.

You Are the Teacher and Preacher

My mother told me that when I was an infant my first words were not 'mama or dada."  My first three words were 'Dee da Yights!' ('See the Lights!').  

A helpful teacher is one who has discovered something that is edifying and whose heart's desire is to share the discovery... to spread the gospel.  Think about the major influences in your life.  What did they activate in you?  What has been inspired?  What lifted you out of where you were stuck?  How did this inspiration feed your beliefs?  Remember, what you believe you attract - no matter what the surrounding circumstances.  This is a time to plant the seeds of ways you want to bring light to your life.  What is your vision of how your life can be?  Once you know and feel it the universe gets to work.  This is the beginning of the basic meaning of spirituality - that which puts you in touch with your ever-light, ever-expanding Self.  Spirit leads you into that which frees, rather than toward that which imprisons you.  Sagittarius is the archer, half human, half horse - who shoots the arrow just for the shear joy of discovering where it takes you and all the experiences in between.  Spirit expands you from where you once were in your awareness.  What are you teaching? Where do you want to shoot your arrows?  

With all that is going on in the world we need light to proliferate more than ever.  Anyone weakling can bully.  Any ill sadist bring darkness and pain.  Why not be the light that you are? It takes real courage.  If nothing else, use the darkness to launch you into more light the mud launches the beautiful lotus.

Happy Discovery!


Dr. Khaleghl Quinn is an award-winning best selling Author, Spiritual Teacher and Counselor and Qigong Master and Composer.  She is described as a "Guide to the Soul."  She is passionate about helping people, families and corporations embrace their soul's purpose.  

Dr. Quinn just received notice that she is to be a recipient of the Sui Generis Foundation Award in Berkeley.

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This month, book one and get one 30% off.  Great gifts!

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