Sunday, November 13, 2016


Cosmologically Speaking, what can I say?  The Super Beaver Full Moon will appear very close to the earth.  It hasn't been this way since 1948 and won't be again until 2034.   Pain and fear in so many hearts.  This Super Beaver Full Moon in Taurus puts its spotlight on an apparent seismically transformed ground - one that has shaken and shocked the world. 

 In my last full moon blog titled IS IT ARMAGEDDON or PURIFICATION, I mentioned that we would have surprises, and so we have.  Before the light of day shows itself that transformation can bring, we have to purge the deepest social elements that have prevented our renaissance -- fear, bigotry, misogyny, and corruption.  In this case it has come out of the shadows into the glaring light.  We are having to look at what diversity means and how we must amend it to embrace all needs...a clarion call to stretch the embrace of diversity.  What have we not addressed in this great nation of ours.  

Self-Sabotaging Definitions

Ironically, it is time to recognize how our previous definitions can sting and sabotage us.  For instance, in our country we say that anyone can run for the powerful office of president.  With no discerning qualifying parameters this has meant even one who hurts and slanders differing factions of our society, and even violates the very values our country was built upon, can get away with ascending to this power.  We are in the strongest concentration of the archetypal meaning of this Scorpio month, personal power and politics.  Look at what President Obama accurately describes as the "First Americans" are going through.  I know from my own heritage that the Cherokee and Iroquois Nations lived the founding tenets of democracy.  How have they been treated?  Consciousness is being brought forth in this shock and trauma and will continue to be until we get it.  

With Pluto flexing its muscles in the archetypal area of what governs us - Capricorn - Patriarchy, old paradigms are being purged and displaced.  In the purging part of the process, we are not always in favor of how it does it.  Pluto, the archetypal forces for pushing the light of the soul through the limiting illusion of personality is doing its part to usher us into the Age of Aquarius.  This is personal and global.  More surprises will come in its wake.  Sometimes it is the startling contrast to what we deeply believe that becomes the catalyst for the changes we must take.  It is time to take a good look at what serves our evolution and to purge ourselves of what does not.  How we do this is up to each of us.  We no longer have the luxury of dwelling under fuzzy illusions.  We have to clarify our core values, do our part to effect healthy change and reform our communities based on our collective insights.  

Healing the Trauma - What Can We Do?

For balance and healing we can look to the opposite of Scorpio, Taurus.  This is the sign the moon is in on the 14th of November and the message is big, like the moon.  First, take care of the body.  Give it what it wants and needs even if it seem naughty.  Activate the pleasure principle.  Be sensual. Appease all the senses.  Listen to the music that nurtures and inspires.  Enjoy the smell of home cooking and beautiful flowers, the earth, the gardens, aromatherapy oils, the fragrance of your your lover, your pet, your family members, your garden.  Sage your home to clear out the negative energy.  Look for beauty in any silver lining no matter how small it seems. Feel all that you feel.  Express it in your own way.  Be full of gratitude for your blessings as we come into the season of Thanksgiving.  Give it your all.  Rest, dream and regenerate.  Build your financial security.  Lie down on the ground to feel the support of Mother Earth.  From this grounding in the present, in the now, you can begin to feel the power of self worth, to find your way, to do your part.  The quality of our personal and political solutions will be built upon the foundation of the quality of care we give ourselves.

  Be as Present as Possible - Love and Cherish Each Other

  We may not be able to do anything about the past or the future but we can glean the jewels of wisdom from what we have learned about the past.  Be more vigilant in the present realizing that the future is a flowering of the present.  Love and cherish each other, not so much in your words, as in your actions.  As Ram Dass so aptly taught "Be here now."  Much may seem topsy turvy for awhile.  It behooves us to stay grounded and as my first book says, once you are standing in your sacred ground of being and sense of Self Worth:  STAND YOUR GROUND!.   

Last Words of Encouragement

Let us put our positive thoughts forward that this person who has no experience in the political offices and military can connect with his heart and soul to be a fresh empty vessel to receive the needs of the many and become a leader we can become proud of.  If he doesn't, we must remain vigilant and strategic in our response to hold his feet to the fire of our deepest values.  

As Song Writer Cris Williamson sings in her song Like An Island Rising- "Like an island rising coming slowly up from sea (the subconscious knowing), causing tidal waves to be and causing some catastrophe, the damage done, another sun shall rise and shine again.  The bird is swimming in the air.  The fish is flying freely." 

Change is upon us.  From the core of your deepest intentions how do you fill in the blank daily of I am ____________________ and today I will do __________________?

Love and Blessings!


Dr. Khaleghl Quinn is a best selling Author, Spiritual Teacher and Counselor and Qigong Master.  She is described as a "Guide to the Soul."  She is passionate about helping people, families and corporations embrace their soul's purpose.  

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