Saturday, October 29, 2016


Cosmologically Speaking, and strategically speaking, this New Moon in Scorpio is the most potent time of year to illuminate your deepest intentions.  Generally, new moons are the most effective times to plant the seeds of your intentions.  This one carries exponential power as the Scorpio archetype is the very essence of transformation.  It is ruled by highly concentrated Pluto.  Pluto is all about power - personal power, imbalances in social power, political power, sexual power, financial power, spiritual power and all ways power is utilized for transformation.  Think about the potency of one drop of Plutonium.  This is true of any intentions you set into motion at this time.  Scorpio is deep and secretive.  It only shows the tip of its iceberg. 

Thin Veils

 I have found the deepest secrets to be parts of ourselves yet to be revealed.  Like the symbol of infinity. the number 8 that is Scorpio's number, this new moon connects us with infinity, life, death, rebirth and social evolution.   The veils between these areas are very thin at this time which makes accessing information from any of them and between them more accessible than ever.  Tools from the occult are relevant now.  You might find helpful guidance in that psychic, astrological or tarot reading as these are within Scorpio's domain -- research beyond appearances into essence.

Diwali (Festival of Lights) and Resurrection

I love that this new moon falls on the first day of Diwali, the Hindu Festival of "Rows of Lights" and the beginning of the Indian new year.  It is celebrated by lighting rows of candles.  Some turn all the lights on in the home and leave them on for the duration of Diwali's five days of light.

What do you wish to illuminate, transform and grow?

What have you overcome during your life ... time and time again - your resurrections?

What areas would you like to transform?

How have you evolved in your understanding of your essence?

Your answers to these questions can be the cornerstones to your new life.  Take a few minutes to settle like a feather into stillness before answering each one.


    Rising from the Dark Night of the Soul

Each of us have been phoenixes in our own way, rising from the ashes of fear, pain and trauma.  In the world of spirituality we may die daily to personal limitations.  Keep emerging!

May you know the joy of this emergence from the sacred darkness into the light for this is a fertile time for enlightenment!


Dr. Khaleghl is a Spiritual Teacher and Counselor.  She helps people of all backgrounds connect with the power of their souls.  

For appointments: write to:

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