Saturday, October 1, 2016


Cosmologically Speaking, this New Moon in Libra reminds us that every moment ushers us into an opportunity to love.  Libra is the archetype that brings love and its expressions of harmony, beauty, peace and justice into our world.  As I rest here in this gentle land of Oregon in joyful anticipation of my nephew's wedding, I am aware of what an illusive delicate energy love is...and yet, it is the most powerful force ever.  

The love pebble for the greater global lake

Before going further I must define love as I am referencing it.  Love is:

1)  On a universal level, love is a compulsion of the soul, heart and mind that activates the desire to respect the unique beauty of each person.  It is filled with a consistent wish that each person may fulfill the potential of their soul's desire.

2)  On a personal level, and this is the focus of this message as I feel it to be the pebble in the greater lake, love is the compulsion of the heart that both activates and allows a safe emotional place for an exchange of warmth, some form of pleasure, nurturing and fulfillment.  When each of us expresses  and receive love it has a rippling out effect.  It touches one, one then touches another with it, and so on.  It is a form of consciousness that is certainly contagious in the field of life.

A butterfly with only one wing

This year, starting on September 9th and ending October 10, 2017, we have the encouragement of expansive protective Jupiter's arrival into this universal symbol of love ... add to this the potent triumvirate combination of the Sun, Jupiter and the reflective Moon in this love field, it is perhaps the most fertile time to plant the seeds which will bring forth the qualities of your most desired ideal love, be it a romantic partnership, a friendship, a business partnership, a family and/or a pet.

Make your list today...but do be careful to make two columns on your paper - one that describes the qualities you wish for in your partner, and the other with corresponding qualities you have to offer to match or compliment each quality of theirs.  For example: Column 1, "I want someone with a sense of humor"  Column 2 "I want to love with my laughter." Without the second column you will be setting yourself up to have your love become a butterfly with only one wing.  Think about all the times you have made your ideal partner list by stating only the kind of partner you want.  They show up and you don't.  You may not even recognize them, and if you do it may be wonderful at first, but then the cracks have a way of outshining the initial excitement.  They will show up if your intentions have been clearly stated or written...but without your corresponding contributions the love of the desired one may be misinterpreted, and usually dismissed.  Without the matching second column, it can be so easy to default to relating to the love that shows up through the mental lens of fear, tribal prejudice, friends' fears of your showing them another way that love is possible, and general self sabotaging feelings of unworthiness.  The second column is a useful gauge to where you are able to be authentic in what you wish to attract.  This is the key attractor factor.

And here's the rub

Ultimately, we can only love to the degree that we love ourselves.  This is the root relationship.   If you are not interested in an external partnership, it is an auspicious time to rekindle loving yourself.  Give and receive in equal measure.  If nothing else it is healthy.

Wishing you great joy in attracting and receiving the love you desire!


A Couple of Special Offers

Due to the grace of Sharon Wilson, the complimentary Soul Consultation I offered on the last blog is still available.  She wanted to offer it to someone who may need it more.  In addition to this I am offering a 20% discount on a Relationship Soul to Soul Consultation to the first person who writes a review of this blog.

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