Thursday, September 15, 2016


Cosmologically Speaking, this dreamy Harvest Full Moon in Pisces offers us the opportunity to plant our feet into the benefits of the Greater Flow - the collective unconscious, to emerge with the nectar.  With Jupiter's recent entry into Libra, the sign of love and harmony, big healing of deeply seated wounds is highly possible.  As a result do not be surprised if you encounter people from your past, even souls from past lives. 

Food and music from other cultures may capture your interest as Pisces is the archetype that embraces all cultures, all feelings, and all emotional intelligence.  It represents dissolution of the boundaries that create the illusion that we are separate.  Perfectly timed in preparation for the Autumn Equinox next week, Pisces opens us to the ocean, to ebb and flow.  The veils between mystery and practical "reality" is thinning.  Allow yourself to be the ocean, the receptive ebb and active flow.  In Tao there are no straight lines - only the ways you receive and the ways you flow.  I love practicing and teaching the majestic Flowing Forms.  Qigong teaches that when you surrender to this simple rhythm flow happens.  Whether we like it or not everything is caught in this rhythm, contraction and expansion, expansion and contraction - like a rider is caught in the rhythm of the horse's gallop - a wonderful feeling by the way.

How would your life be different if you listened to your inner flow and immersed IT into life's greater flow?  Let yourself describe it in a journal or record as many of the details of this different feeling of life that you can.  Let your stream of awareness of a fluid way of being express itself.  Which rituals will emerge into your days that remind you to flow?  Which rhythms instigate flow inside you.  This is a powerful healing mechanism that you can tap and then help others find within themselves. Perhaps start with the rhythm of breathing that relaxes and/or energizes you.  When you tune in you will know if you need to speed up or slow down the rhythm of your breathing practice.  In time your will be able to regulate your blood pressure.  Which music ushers you into your inner smile - classical, African, Brazilian, Indian...all of the above, and more?  Invite music into your life daily until the feeling becomes internalized to the point of being reflexive.  Watch and feel your life transform.

By tuning into rhythms you will find yourself accessing inner music, poetry and the science of what allows you to activate the strength of your vulnerability.  Think about this - the strength of your vulnerability - openness... radiance, acceptance.  You must direct your will into surrender in order to access your inner flow.  You can create a safe place to do this for yourself and/or enlist help from a professional.  

Pisces is about fluid movement - dance sensually, swim gracefully, enjoy the ebb and flow in lovemaking.  It is an excellent time to work with your dreams as dreams emerge from the great collective subconscious in which we know everything.  Dreams are the language that speak to us of the movement that is going on deep inside.  They are the big ocean talking to us in ways the limited controlling mind will not allow.  Initiate a relationship with your dreams if you have not already done so...such a powerful tool for becoming whole.

Meditation, the intervening practice of Stillness, both relaxes and strengthens your nervous system(s) into becoming an inner container to hold and develop these healthy rhythms of flow throughout your body and mind...

Surrender, dissolve and see what/who walks through next week when Mercury goes direct... more of you!  Happy harvesting!


Please Note >  It is important to me to offer my transformative services to as many as possible.  I need help spreading the word.  To this end,  I am offering a FREE Personal Soul Purpose Consultation to the first person who writes a review on this blog.


  1. As always, what a wonderful, inspiring blog! As you well know, given the upheaval in the world now, our greatest tool for resolution and world peace is to come together as the loving humans we were designed to be. Unity will preserve us, where separation may destroy us. Therefore, what a timely blog here, to remind us to come into harmonic flow with ourselves, Humanity, this sacred planet and ultimately All That Has Life here and above. YES!! (By the way, you made a VERY generous offer of a session to the first person to comment here. I would like to offer that you and I can do a session trade with each other, and the NEXT person to comment may take advantage of one of your amazing consultations!) :) sw

  2. How totally supportive, kind and generous of you Sharon. As universal beings it is so important, especially now, to express love and unity with our voices in all the ways we can. Thank you. I will love to have this exchange with your clairsentience. <3 kq
