Wednesday, August 31, 2016

VIRGO NEW MOON - Time for a Sweat Lodge or Sauna

Cosmologically Speaking, the New Moon in Virgo is a fertile time for purging the body, mind and emotions so that we can more effectively access our Spirits.  Virgo, the Virgin, is the archetype that has at its very working essence the adage "Cleanliness is next to Godliness."  This may be taken quite literally.  Bathing, showering not only cleans of the impurities from our skin but also something much more subtle - negative energies that may have attached to the energy fields each of us inhabit.  Virgo wakes each day to discover and nurture all that is pure - all that is free from hyperbole and other obscurities.  Virgoans know the "real deal" from what is not.

Virgo refers to anything one holds sacred.  These areas are kept clean and organized.  This is how you can tell what is sacred to a person.  All of us have Virgo drives in some area.  Something that is relatively unknown about Virgo is that it is considered to be the "Keeper of the Spirit."  When I mention this quality of Virgo it often falls on surprised ears.  People think the Virgo archetype is only focused on details, analyzing critiquing and organizing how can it be the keeper of the spirit one may ask?  When all the details are cleaned up and organized watch how the spirit flows.

Emotionally, this new moon is a time to find ways to release guilt.  Virgo's know this emotion all too well.  It is an emotion that carries no useful value.  It just sits in the intestines, small and large, and blocks flow and feeling.  They are the organs that Virgo rules. Take the opportunity to cleanse your intestines and change guilt into constructive action.  The small intestines allow us to discern what is nutritious from what is not.  I remember my Cherokee French Virgo grandmother taking old clothes and papers and making a big bonfire in her back garden.  She seemed to gain great joy from this process of release.  Allow yourself, family members, lovers and friends to bring out the dark icky stuff especially if it seems like you or they are going crazy.  Once this stuff comes out you/they can radiate the health of their authentic selves.  The Virgo archetype so values honesty. It's a good time to have that honest conversation.

The new moon is a potent time to write down your intentions for releasing what is no longer allowing you to connect with your higher consciousness.  Start with your mind/body health.  Maybe have a look at your Ayurvedic body/mind/emotional type and start eating accordingly.   Virgo guides us toward education, mind/body practices such as yoga and qigong, the wisdom of nature...your true nature, selfless service to community and all other forms of self improvement.  Saunas, colonics and Native American Sweat Lodges are excellent ways of purging, depending on your state of health.  Give yourself the gift of an astrological reading.  Although these are Virgoan suggestions it is important to start with what works for you and go from there.  The idea is to do what works rather than adding to that guilt list Virgo can so easily create.  Remember the Virgo nature is the last developmental archetype in the self awareness dimension before we go into our relationships and out into the world.  Cleansing in every way is always a good idea to avoid bringing physical, mental and emotional baggage into a relationship.

Happy Cleansing!   Next New Moon in Libra - Relationship time.

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