Monday, August 1, 2016

TAP YOUR REGAL HEART: The Bridge Between Heaven and Earth

Cosmologically Speaking, this New Moon in Leo opens the stage curtains for you as playwright and director to express your heart's desire.  This month is all about the spine (integrity) and expression of your heart and soul.  

Take a moment to place both palms on your heart - first the left palm, then cover it with your right palm.  You may place them directly over your heart or place them in the center of your chest on your heart center.

Feeling is life's magnet.  It is the key interface between desire and manifestation - the bridge between heaven and earth.

Take three deep breaths while focusing on your heart.  Allow yourself to be present with whatever is there.  Ask your heart what it needs.  Imagine that you have taken a snapshot of it.  Now imagine that you are planting it in the Universe.  The Universe is the manifesting mechanism of the Creator.  Release it and trust that your need will be met.  As many of you know, the Universe responds to our hearts' intent.

Now, I invite you to return to your heart.  Place your palms there as before. Breathe in and out three times. Ask it what it wants.  Once it tells you.  Plant it in the center of the Universe as the center of the Multiverse.  Release by removing yourself  as you would after you plant a seed in a garden.  Sometimes we don't realize how we block ourselves from receiving by standing over the seed rather than stepping away to allow it to flourish.  We do this by continuously focusing on what we want and need. The Universe responds to the lightness and vibration of our wishes...both of which are continuous until we grasp.  As my poet friend, Ray Gwynn Smith, says, you cannot box a natural source of radiant light.  Each of us is one of these sources of light.

This new moon is all about radiating the Sun that burns within your heart and spine.  It is about creativity, self- expression, humor, warmth, good will, adventure, romance,  love and all affairs of the heart, theater, enterprise, the interconnectedness of life and play.  Tune into your favorite way of playing as a child...when you were fully immersed in the play...and the world as we know it disappeared.  This way of playing can provide a window into your soul's purpose and career choice.  Articulation of your soul on earth is your royal blood.  Listening and responding to other hearts is the foundation for leadership!

As Joseph Campbell says "Follow your bliss."

Happy adventures!


Described as a "Renaissance Person", Dr. Khaleghl Quinn, Ph.D., is a best-selling Author, Spiritual Counselor, Teacher, and a Qigong Master.  She teaches meditation at Sagrada Sacred Arts and is a presenter at the School for Applied Theology.  She enjoys helping her students and clients realize their soul purpose.  She also works with individuals, couples, families and corporations to increase functional coherence.

By appointment:  (925) - 818-8154

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said, Khaleghl!! I wish this blog could be sent to the world to remind us all that the very core of our essence is, has been, and will always be centered in the most powerful energy of all: love. May the love that unifies us all be known and present throughout the world -- now, more than ever -- while Humanity is deciding to be coming from a source of fear or returning to our natural state: sourced from love. Thank you for your excellent words!
