Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Bruce Lee, the great martial artist philosopher took his top students to the beach.  He had them circle around him.  he then squat down and drew a line in the sand.  He had his students scratching their heads and boggling their minds by asking them this question: "How do you make this line shorter without touching it?"

After they could not come up with an immediate answer he drew a longer line parallel to it.  I share this story quite frequently with my students.  I love how most of the women have a different answer.  They usually suggest moving away from it... like being on a vacation or higher up like looking at it from an airplane... or higher.

Big Mind; Small Mind

Cosmologically Speaking, the Full Moon in Gemini, lights up communication on a personal as well as global scale.  Sagittarius holds the "big picture" perspective.  It's essence says "I see."  Gemini uses the logical cognitive mind.  It connects the dots in front of it, in its immediate environment and says "I think and I communicate."  To many of us, the world seems to be in a state of chaos.  All the changes, the results of the elections, man's inhumanity to humanity and so much more, generate a sweeping atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.  The archetype of this full moon, big mind, small mind, can be used to discover what has come to light on a global level and, equally, what has come to light on a personal level.

Still Purging

A few blogs ago I mentioned that we are in a time of purging the paradigms that have governed us.  All that is not in service of our evolution will be brought to the surface and cleaned out.  There will be many surprises.  Up close this feels like chaos and destruction.  From the bigger picture perspective it makes sense.  The more that comes up, the faster we can collectively purge what is keeping us from moving into a more evolved state.  The hallmark of a more evolved consciousness is a more inclusive heart - one that is collectively empathic and responsive to the needs of the many, rather than the few.  The beauty and the challenge is our multimedia platform means for communicating relays some of the behind the scenes events as well as lies.  In another time what may have taken decades to discover is swiftly revealed.  That which was kept secret (Scorpio/power/politics) is made public (Sagitarrius/releasing limitations/uplifting humanity) by media (Gemini/communication in many languages).

Time to Mature

As one of the younger societies we, Americans (not referring to the original Americans). are relatively young in the world.  We are being pushed to grow up - to mature in our awareness.  It is rather like a child who has experienced the world through crawling.  The moment the child stands upright, its perspective on the world changes as does its life.  We are learning to do that spiritually.  We are being pushed, sometimes kicking and screaming, into a bigger perspective on how the world has been operating.  Our childlike innocence is transforming in the glaring light of the bigger picture.  For instance, I am struck by art imitating life imitating art - Alexander Hamilton, the hottest play out on Broadway now, focuses on a man whose highly relevant essay on how the electors should take a deliberate role in protecting against a foreign government interfering in our government processes, is eerily resonant.  

Time to Connect the Dots

With so much to think about Sagittarius, the part horse, part human archer archetype of consciousness, would have us use our intuitive minds and gut instincts to shoot the arrow of our personal goals and then go there.  On this full moon find as many ways as possible to communicate your goals that will contribute to your expanded awareness and how you may contribute to the bigger picture.  Look at the people with whom you have communicated over the last few days, today, and the next few days to come.  They are each part of a code for your evolution. ...a snapshot of your evolutionary consulate. Connect those dots.  See your "longer line", your role in the bigger picture.  Then shoot your goal arrows through writing or speaking.  The more you do this, the better you will feel.

Enjoy your bigger perspective.  You will know you have connected with it when you feel joy for this is the purpose of the bigger picture.


Dr. Khaleghl Quinn is an award-winning best selling Author, Spiritual Teacher and Counselor and Qigong Master and Composer.  She is described as a "Guide to the Soul."  She is passionate about helping people, families and corporations embrace their soul's purpose.  

Dr. Quinn just received notice that she is to be a recipient of the Sui Generis Foundation Award in Berkeley.

For appointments write: khaleghl18@gmail.com
This month, book one and get one 30% off.  Great gifts!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for reminding us all to step away from all the current fear-based chaos in our country and the world, so that, by gaining much-needed perspective (and possibly our objective neutrality), we can then recognize that the best way to create change is to EXPOSE That Which Is Not Working, and by doing so, then can see the steps needed to create positive, love-based changes to move forward, as an individual, and collectively as Humanity, in loving co-creation with All That Is Life.
