Wednesday, November 25, 2015


While moon gazing at the clear light of this Full Beaver Moon, cosmologically speaking, I am reminded that its clear light offers three discovery opportunities:

Embrace your most expanded sense of your spirituality... all that inspires and uplifts you out of anything that limits you.  I am very happy after twelve years of teaching my integrated
Meta Meditation class that the class has now graduated into the power of the true meaning of 

 Meditation can take you into your ability to heal, transcend, transform stress into more energy and increase insight.  Focus briefly on what is holding you back from your goals.  Then move into your spirit.  Follow where it takes you.  Then ask it if there is anything you are not seeing that can help you heal, grow and expand.  It is time to listen to your intuition.  Travel is afoot mentally as well as physically.  Learn a new language.  Expand your horizons.

Enjoy your connections with family and friends.  Tune into the details of your environment and let them enrich you.  Take a walk with loved ones in the crisp air.  This Season can be a time of grief.  Fresh air is good for the lungs that house grief.  Express the noble gesture of finding ways to  communicate with everyone you encounter.  A simple heart-felt smile, a warm handshake or hug   can send out healing vibes to the world which is in such need these days ...  and it is good for you too.  Use your hands to cook, express art and heal.  

Review the intentions you set into motion two weeks ago and notice any details that have show up as signs that your intentions are blooming.  Know that gratitude and self awareness are the keys to fulfillment.

                                                              Happy Thanksgiving!

Dr. Khaleghl Quinn, PhD, is a spiritual teacher and counselor.  She offers personalized meditation programs and qigong programs.  She also gives Soul Purpose Consultations.

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