Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Time to Excavate Your Deepest Intention

Cosmologically Speaking, the grace of this full moon shines its light on our deepest intention.

"The greatest secrets are parts of self that wish to be discovered.  We are all transparent to someone."
   --Khaleghl Quinn, Chi Kung Reclaim Your Power:  The Secret Art of Maximizing Your Potential; Thorsons a division of HarperCollins Publishers; London1991.

 If you haven't thought about what drives you, this is a time when you may easily discover it.  With the Sun and the Moon in Scorpio you have the power to penetrate through appearances to the essence of any situation.  What may have been holding you back subconsciously may be released and transformed into more energy, healing and a way forward.  Over the next two week useful family secrets may come to light under the gaze of your desire to evolve out of patterns that no longer serve you.

I love how Bertold Brecht talked about one's essential force  or "what makes you tick." 
One way to go about this is to take stock of what activates your passions.  Love, romance, social justice, life/death/rebirth, children, family, ancestry, healing, animal cruelty and care, art and beauty are a few areas that may get your blood boiling to put it in Scorpionic parlance.  On this new moon embracing the bare bones of what drives you, your deepest intention, can become the foundation for a new chapter in your life.  Intention is the one thing that can change karmic patterns. Take a few moments to give this awareness to yourself.  In so doing you will be planting a seed of greater awareness that will transform you and your environment in the most positive ways.  What we observe really does transform.

  As you soar from deep beneath the secret iceberg those ashes will never be the same! 

  Happy healing Phoenixes!

Khaleghl Quinn, Ph.D. is a spiritual counselor and coach.  She is offering Soul Purpose Readings with a seasonal discount.  

Write to: for more information and to book your appointment.

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