Friday, December 11, 2015

Ignite Your Divine Fire: Actively Partner with the Universe

Cosmologically Speaking, on this last new moon in Sagittarius, the final new moon of 2015, all doors are open for you to move out of limiting situations, limiting people, limiting voices within.  With all the elemental fire at our disposal what seemed impossible is now possible.  Take that course or go for that degree you have wanted.  Write that book.  Speak that speech.  Teach.  Use all of the horrible things as fuel for your passion to bring optimism in the world.  

 This new moon is particularly powerful for setting your intention for 2016.  Your outlook on life, your beliefs, your biggest pictures are at the surface now.  Events in your life are here to evoke your deepest values, to get to your core sense of the meaning of life and the purpose of your life.  As it is said "It takes the same amount of energy to think big as it does to think small." The key is to claim what does work, refine, redefine and expand it and to boldly or subtly break free of what doesn't.  Sagittarius is the great teacher of the spirit.  Spirit allows you to live from your essence.  It connects you with your superconsciousness.

This is a time to embrace your confidence.  If you find your best-laid plans aren't working for you be swift in correcting them and reset your course.  

Finally, this is a rare moment in which you may most efficiently partner with the universe as there is nothing in the way between your intentions and the universe but your beliefs.  

The Sound of Music is one of my favorite films.  I love the song I Have Confidence.  How will you want to fill in the blank  I have confidence in ___________________________.

Claim your miracles!  Happy seeing!

Dr. Khaleghl Quinn, PhD, is a spiritual teacher, composer and counselor.  She offers personalized meditation programs and qigong programs.  She also gives Soul Purpose Consultations.  See the Seasonal Special at the bottom of the home page under New Offerings and in the Boutique under Services on the Products page.

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