Saturday, October 29, 2016


Cosmologically Speaking, and strategically speaking, this New Moon in Scorpio is the most potent time of year to illuminate your deepest intentions.  Generally, new moons are the most effective times to plant the seeds of your intentions.  This one carries exponential power as the Scorpio archetype is the very essence of transformation.  It is ruled by highly concentrated Pluto.  Pluto is all about power - personal power, imbalances in social power, political power, sexual power, financial power, spiritual power and all ways power is utilized for transformation.  Think about the potency of one drop of Plutonium.  This is true of any intentions you set into motion at this time.  Scorpio is deep and secretive.  It only shows the tip of its iceberg. 

Thin Veils

 I have found the deepest secrets to be parts of ourselves yet to be revealed.  Like the symbol of infinity. the number 8 that is Scorpio's number, this new moon connects us with infinity, life, death, rebirth and social evolution.   The veils between these areas are very thin at this time which makes accessing information from any of them and between them more accessible than ever.  Tools from the occult are relevant now.  You might find helpful guidance in that psychic, astrological or tarot reading as these are within Scorpio's domain -- research beyond appearances into essence.

Diwali (Festival of Lights) and Resurrection

I love that this new moon falls on the first day of Diwali, the Hindu Festival of "Rows of Lights" and the beginning of the Indian new year.  It is celebrated by lighting rows of candles.  Some turn all the lights on in the home and leave them on for the duration of Diwali's five days of light.

What do you wish to illuminate, transform and grow?

What have you overcome during your life ... time and time again - your resurrections?

What areas would you like to transform?

How have you evolved in your understanding of your essence?

Your answers to these questions can be the cornerstones to your new life.  Take a few minutes to settle like a feather into stillness before answering each one.


    Rising from the Dark Night of the Soul

Each of us have been phoenixes in our own way, rising from the ashes of fear, pain and trauma.  In the world of spirituality we may die daily to personal limitations.  Keep emerging!

May you know the joy of this emergence from the sacred darkness into the light for this is a fertile time for enlightenment!


Dr. Khaleghl is a Spiritual Teacher and Counselor.  She helps people of all backgrounds connect with the power of their souls.  

For appointments: write to:

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Cosmologically Speaking, on a large scale, the Full Moon in Aries illuminates that polar division between war and peace within ourselves, in our relationships and, ultimately, with the world.   The full moon in Aries with the Sun in Libra is all about all relationships.  Isn't war and peace about how we relate to ourselves and to each other?  Due to the multiple themes in this full moon's archetypal messages this blog will be longer than most.  You may find some more relevant than others.

Ascending into the Consciousness of the Heart

As we go, some of us, kicking and screaming, toward integrating the consciousness of the heart, we will have to discover that in the garden of life there is room for all the flowers. Love for all and the desire to be in harmony with nature, our own natures, and those of others will promote us into more of our potential as divine-human hybrids.  Respect becomes the pervasive way of approaching each other. Without going into too much astro-speak, the transpersonal planetary archetypes are squaring off with our personal archetypes of emotion, passion and ways of communicating and integrating information and each other. 

Pluto, the Great Purifier for New More Evolved Paradigms

Without going into too much astro-speak, the transpersonal planetary archetypes are squaring off with our personal archetypes of emotion, passion and ways of communicating and integrating information and each other.  Suffice it to say, the transpersonal planetary archetypes for social transformation and progress are squaring off with our personal archetypes of emotion, passion and the ways we communicate and integrate information.

Pluto, the great purifier/transformer has been bringing issues of abuse of authority, government and power to a head since January 27th 2008.  In the external world, all the old governing paradigms are being nudged, in no uncertain terms, to  purify and evolve.  When this happens the old ways often attempt to assert themselves with great vehemence. On a more personal note, the resounding clarion call inside each of us is to discover what it means to stay true to our souls generally and within our relationships.  Sound like a tall order?  It is!

Ironically it will require the strongest of the feminine soft power and the most gentle and refined of the masculine power to balance the scales.  Given that Pluto is in Capricorn this gender tango will have to play out in the most public arenas until new more balanced structures are integrated into society.  Equal pay and abolition of sexual harassment and the ways we embrace the dispossessed are at the tip of the iceberg to this societal evolutionary bath.  

We Are in for Surprises

We are in for a wide array of surprises.  Some of them will be shocking.  Given the arenas of the transpersonal planetost will have global ramifications. Where we do not listen nature will help us in her mysterious ways.  Our human culture is being pushed to transform at the deepest diseased elements of society.  These elements are the lack of balance between the receptive  and active dynamics of our lives.  Look at the most glaring example, of late, of this imbalance in the extreme, that is dominating the news.  The actions of the aggressive high profile alpha Mars archetype on the vulnerable Venusian feminine.  The unjust imbalance is shouting to be heard. Keep in mind that a major part of our ascent into our evolution involves a more expanded use of heart.  This will necessitate a combination of increased awareness that leads to discernment as well as respect for the beauty and value of diversity.  

What do the words Woman, Women, Female and She Have in Common?

It has always been curious to me how inclusive the words woman, women, female and she are.  All carry two words and two genders.  The spectrum of gender identity may be drawn from this inclusive phenomenon.  Interestingly, it is said that the founders of judo (the martial art of the gentle way) and aikido (the martial art that expresses the way of love and harmony) on their death beds, when asked by their most advanced students what the secret to the arts were, said "If you want to know the secret watch women in their daily lives - the ways they interact with their young, the ways they care for their families, the ways they support life - these are the underlying principles of the arts."  Surely a full integration of the feminine will balance the scales of how we may habitually conduct ourselves on a daily basis.
The Freedom to Be More of Yourself

Those who have endeavored to deal with relationship issues to improve the quality of the relationship will find rewards beyond what was desired.  Issues that have not been addressed will be magnified. 
On the more personal level, issues related to the needs of the individual and those of the relationship(s) will be highlighted, especially during this weekend.  Old issues in this department will rear their insistent heads, sometimes crying out like a baby needing to be held.  Each of us will find ourselves asking and indeed, negotiating, how can I stay true to my soul and my relationship(s)?  I love what one of my favorite philosophers, Joseph Campbell, said about what happened to him when he and his wife married.  He said he became freer to become more of himself in the marriage!  This is the harmony that is possible when one is in harmony with Self.  Without this harmony it becomes all too reflexive to project our inner relationship with ourselves onto those closest to us.   The notion of the other dissolves when we relate from our souls.   It is not about becoming co-dependent, rather, interdependent as we truly are.  Hopefully we will not have to have harsh nudges to remind us. 

In the Final Analysis

There are helpful modalities to smooth over the uncomfortable edges that can accompany our growth. Neptune's tools - meditation, music, conscious rest after activity and dreamwork soften the polarizing illusions and usher us to be the fulcrum for the scales.  Each of us holds the power to make a big difference.  After all, the whole is as good as the quality of each of its parts.  

Here is a daily two-step mantra:  How do you listen and understand and how do you choose to love?

May you know the beauty, the peace and joy of harmony with self and all your relations


I welcome your questions and comments.  The first to comment on anything that is useful from this blog will be eligible to receive a 20% discount on a Personal Soul or Relationship Consultation.

Dr. Khaleghl Quinn enjoys helping people become more fulfilled with her Soul Consultations.  She has been helping people empower themselves all over the world.  She is a Spiritual Teacher, Counselor, Qigong Master and Composer.  She teaches her Lotus Being Meditation in Montclair and at Sagrada Sacred Arts.  She also leads Spiritual Sabbaticals at the School for Applied Theology (SAT) in Berkeley. 

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Cosmologically Speaking, this New Moon in Libra reminds us that every moment ushers us into an opportunity to love.  Libra is the archetype that brings love and its expressions of harmony, beauty, peace and justice into our world.  As I rest here in this gentle land of Oregon in joyful anticipation of my nephew's wedding, I am aware of what an illusive delicate energy love is...and yet, it is the most powerful force ever.  

The love pebble for the greater global lake

Before going further I must define love as I am referencing it.  Love is:

1)  On a universal level, love is a compulsion of the soul, heart and mind that activates the desire to respect the unique beauty of each person.  It is filled with a consistent wish that each person may fulfill the potential of their soul's desire.

2)  On a personal level, and this is the focus of this message as I feel it to be the pebble in the greater lake, love is the compulsion of the heart that both activates and allows a safe emotional place for an exchange of warmth, some form of pleasure, nurturing and fulfillment.  When each of us expresses  and receive love it has a rippling out effect.  It touches one, one then touches another with it, and so on.  It is a form of consciousness that is certainly contagious in the field of life.

A butterfly with only one wing

This year, starting on September 9th and ending October 10, 2017, we have the encouragement of expansive protective Jupiter's arrival into this universal symbol of love ... add to this the potent triumvirate combination of the Sun, Jupiter and the reflective Moon in this love field, it is perhaps the most fertile time to plant the seeds which will bring forth the qualities of your most desired ideal love, be it a romantic partnership, a friendship, a business partnership, a family and/or a pet.

Make your list today...but do be careful to make two columns on your paper - one that describes the qualities you wish for in your partner, and the other with corresponding qualities you have to offer to match or compliment each quality of theirs.  For example: Column 1, "I want someone with a sense of humor"  Column 2 "I want to love with my laughter." Without the second column you will be setting yourself up to have your love become a butterfly with only one wing.  Think about all the times you have made your ideal partner list by stating only the kind of partner you want.  They show up and you don't.  You may not even recognize them, and if you do it may be wonderful at first, but then the cracks have a way of outshining the initial excitement.  They will show up if your intentions have been clearly stated or written...but without your corresponding contributions the love of the desired one may be misinterpreted, and usually dismissed.  Without the matching second column, it can be so easy to default to relating to the love that shows up through the mental lens of fear, tribal prejudice, friends' fears of your showing them another way that love is possible, and general self sabotaging feelings of unworthiness.  The second column is a useful gauge to where you are able to be authentic in what you wish to attract.  This is the key attractor factor.

And here's the rub

Ultimately, we can only love to the degree that we love ourselves.  This is the root relationship.   If you are not interested in an external partnership, it is an auspicious time to rekindle loving yourself.  Give and receive in equal measure.  If nothing else it is healthy.

Wishing you great joy in attracting and receiving the love you desire!


A Couple of Special Offers

Due to the grace of Sharon Wilson, the complimentary Soul Consultation I offered on the last blog is still available.  She wanted to offer it to someone who may need it more.  In addition to this I am offering a 20% discount on a Relationship Soul to Soul Consultation to the first person who writes a review of this blog.