Tuesday, July 19, 2016

TIME to MANIFEST YOUR GREATEST SELF: Heaven is Coming to Earth

Cosmologically Speaking, it is time to bring forth your most ancient knowledge and wisdom and to speak its truth through living it!  Without thinking too much, what have you always known is possible?  What are your wildest dreams?  If you listen and look, the veil will part on this full moon in Capricorn - the expression of heaven on earth - to reveal what you must do in order to live from this place inside out.   

Two weeks ago on the new moon I stated that the Divine Mother inside you is extending her hand to you to pull you through your insecurities into a more loving nurturing situation/environment.  I asked you to look for who is pulled forth under the spotlight of today's full moon.  Who is walking through from your dreams?  A part of yourself perhaps... and/or another.  It may seem like a fairytale.  Fairytales come from some reality somewhere. "If it can be conceived, it can be achieved" is the motto here.  It is up to us to live it.  I remember when I was invited to London to create my center there some 25 years ago.  When I asked where I wanted to have this center I said at the rooftop of London, in a beautiful place - Hampstead.  I wanted to have a homey feel, with a garden and very near public transport.  I was told through breaths of sarcasm to "dream on" to which I replied  'Thank you.  I will.  After that bold declaration, four days later I was told by an estate agent that there's this place, three levels, with a garden one minute away from the tube station.  It had not gone on the market yet.  The agent wanted me to know about it.  I was delighted ...literally!  It felt as though I was standing in a shaft of light...lit up.  The next step was to find that level of funding.  A student of mine, a member of the extended royal family, asked what could be done to keep my teachings alive in the U.K.  I said I needed a home for the work, one that reflected its beauty.  The next thing I knew we were purchasing the house and I was able to design the center and garden.  Although it did not fulfill my greatest vision, it was a good starter kit that attracted over five thousand people from all walks of life.  

Capricorn is the archetype that represents bringing our divinity to the human dimension of who we are.  It represents our biggest voice structured out in the world - vocation.  It also represents the father.  It likes to operate on a large scale with its great organizational skills.  The bigger the project, give it to a Capricorn.  

Cancer, on the other hand, is the most nurturing maternal archetype I talked about on the new moon.  It is receptive to the greatness of who we are and likes to help that part of ourselves grow.  With its ancient wisdom of the soul the pairing of the two archetypes could not be more ideal. They live within each of us even if we are not born under those signs or behavioral archetypes. The two together represent the best parenting we can give our souls.  What in you has been longing to live?  Set your intent to do whatever it takes to open the door to let it walk through!  This is the time!

Happy manifesting of your heaven on earth!

Described as a "Guide to the Soul"  Dr. Khaleghl Quinn, PhD, is a best-selling Author, Qigong Master, Spiritual Impressionistic Composer, Teacher, and Counselor.  Consultations are available by appointment.  

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Cosmologically Speaking, this New Moon in Cancer (July 4th) is perhaps the most fertile time of the year in which to cast your intent for growth in any area.  Cancer is the ultimate Mother-family energetic archetype.   It rules the breasts, chest, and stomach - all nurturing parts of the body. It represents all the women in our lives.  It is considered to be the most feminine energy, the most receptive for planting seeds, the most nurturing as it represents home, mother and baby, and the fuel for any type of art.  The deepest home is the soul. Thus it is a time to connect with yours.  Soul is the place where we feel most at home, most at peace, have access to infinite love, knowing, abundance and bliss.  When you are experiencing all of these moods, you are in the presence of your soul.  It might be helpful to make a list - or a collage - of all the things, people and experiences that tend to contribute to these qualities within.  What would you like to see grow in your life?  Make a wish list. It is a time to bring forth the most feminine aspects of yourself regardless of gender and to attract the ideal nurturing person into your life.  

I love my Cancerian friends as well as those nurturing qualities within myself.  Cancers bring so much emotional support and wild humor to my life.  Their symbol, that looks like the number 69, represents the sacred embrace of those closest...family and other loved ones.  When emotionally unblocked (as they can easily retreat into their shells when their sensitivity is violated), they are forces of nature in that their energy supply seems endless.  They can be so emotionally present.  In their receptivity to the souls of others, they supply the juice that makes things grow. Unfortunately, their support is often desired yet, equally, taken for granted.  In our Western culture those lovely meals, that loving smile, the deep gaze into one's eyes, the right words that set the soul on fire, and fierce protectiveness of loved ones is too often easily absorbed and ignored.  Take time over the next few days to cherish those qualities of yourself and those of others...and watch them grow over the next two weeks.  

This new moon in Cancer, now boosted by Mars having gone direct last week, is a time to dip into your ancient wisdom.  This wisdom shows up in our dreams.  It is a good time to learn about yourself through dreamwork.    The symbolic Crab is an ancient creature who has had many homes and felt many things.  It is a good time to get in touch with your heritage.  Which of the curses of your ancestors are you carrying?  If they are not serving you find ways to release them.  Which of your ancestors were powerful forces?  Know that their power is in your DNA.  Just open to it and feel the support.  It can empower your goals and your potential.   

Finally, pause for a moment, to allow yourself to feel the embrace of the Divine Mother.  What is she saying to you?  How does it feel?  It is time to 're-enwomb' yourself in the loving embrace of your internal home as well as that of the Earth.  What will you give back to both?  Which new petal of you will reveal itself in two weeks on the Full Moon?

Happy Growing!

Dr.  Khaleghl Quinn, PhD, is a best-selling Author, Spiritual Teacher, Composer, and has recently been described as a Guide to the Soul.  She is also a Meditation Teacher and Qigong Master.  She currently teaches meditation at Sagrada Sacred Arts and is a presenter at the School for Applied Theology SAT. Her private practice is in Orinda, CA.

For appointments - CALL: (925) 818-8154