Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Buckle Up and Step Forward into Your I AM ___________________

Cosmologically Speaking, now is the perfect time to either hold fast to your inner core or to move forward with it as your guide.  Spring has sprung and so has something within you.  Only you know what it is.  With the language of the new moon in Aries directly squaring Pluto in Capricorn each of us can seize the opportunity to come to terms with authority - yours and/or other.  Which ponds in your life have become too small that are creating a build-up of frustration?  These areas are the markers where understanding and growth is calling.  Is it a relationship with self or other? Work? Creativity?  Finances? Travel? House and garden? Whatever it may be, these areas hold the possibility for an awakening and growth.

Here's the rub - Sometimes moving forward starts with doing nothing, being still, waiting for inner guidance.  It can be surprising how long this can last.  Patience with your inner guidance truly is a virtue.  Such is true with Spring.  In the practice of qigong when all the glorious burgeoning dizzy-making sprouts of the season are in full bloom, we practice harmony through developing tranquility.  Growth is beautiful.  It can also be stressful.  It is challenging, to say the least, for the sap in the tree to fully rise if the tree is moving about all the time. To glean the most from Spring and this new moon set your intent to practice tranquility so that more of your essence and inner guidance can come forth.  Essence brings peace, vitality, improved health, joy and, ultimately, fulfillment.  Take time to sit in the throne of your soul.  The rest will follow.  

1. Listen to my latest allegorical audiobook, One Morning in Africa. 
2. Download the MP3, Eternal Essence, beautifully sung by Joyce Michaelson
3.  Download, the MP3, Adventure Begins, gallantly sung by David Jackson
All may be found on the Products page of my website:

These are the lyrics to The Adventure Begins anthem in my World Peace Symphonic Odyssey.  It comes after Eternal Essence speaks to the individual in the darkest hours.  The anthem celebrates each of us who has come to be guided by our hearts and souls.

Yes, I am awake and I am here for the adventure
Yes, I am awake and I am here for the adventure
Yes, I know my soul.  I am now whole.
 I'll take the reins in hand.

Yes I am awake and I am here for the adventure
Yes, I am awake and I am here for the adventure.
Yes, I feel my soul.  It's time to roll.
 I must be true to who I am.

There have bee times I was uncertain.  I did not know why I came here.
There were times I was uncertain.  I have overcome my fear.

Yes I am here.  I am awake and I am certain.
Yes, I am here, I am awake and I am certain.
I will not turn back.  My hearts on track.  It's time to be who I am.
...And here I am....And here I am.  Here I am.  Here I am.  Here I am...

It is also a celebration for every child that comes into the world.  
Download the MP3 from the Products page on my website -


Dr. Khaleghl Quinn is a Spiritual Leader, Counselor, Qigong Master and Best Selling Author.  She enjoys helping people discover the soul's purpose especially at this critical time in our evolution.  She has helped thousands on two continents do so. To make an appointment write:

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