Monday, February 8, 2016

GONG HEY FAT CHOY - Happy Year of the Monkey!

Cosmologically Speaking, today's new moon in Aquarius happens to fall on the Chinese New Year of the Monkey.  It is a good time to plant the seeds of your hopes and vision of your future.  Aquarius is the part of each of us that says "I know." It knows how to detach from the often obscuring subjective emotions into a more objective clearer view. Knowing yourself is ultimately an objective insight.  Knowing how you see your essence expressing itself next year comes from knowing your strengths and weaknesses.  This is not to say that you have to have every detail in place.  It is more about opening your mind's eye to embrace a symbol, an image that represents the way you want to feel in your life.  Feeling is the magnet and binding agent to what shapes us in the future. You are best served by a vision that embraces the way you want to feel in your sense of purpose, your relationships, family, hobbies, and creativity.  Any one of these areas or all can be the focus of your vision.  You know what you want and need better than anyone else.  Time to do your vision board.

Aquarius is the loving detached (not dissociated nor apathetic) angel who pours out the universal waters of truth to release us from the shackles of illusion.  Truth sets us free.  It is a good time to identify the areas in which you may feel trapped.  Use that inner knowing to set yourself free.  I discovered some years ago that I have a knack for unknotting chains.  Friends often hand me their necklaces. The more convoluted and knotted, the more I enjoy the task.  The necklace chain is a relevant metaphor as necklaces adorn our necks, the bridge between our bodies and brains - thought and feeling.  In yoga, the throat chakra allows us to express our deepest intentions, our truth.  Enjoy the results of planting the seed of living and speaking your core truths. Start with one. Watch how the universe surprises you with rewards.

Friendships are important in this time of Aquarius.  Friends are the ones who share our hopes, visions and fears.  Friends share our sense of human progress.  It is a good time to cultivate friendships.

Surprising, even shocking, events such as natural and unnatural disasters, can occur in our world that promote our humanity and inhumanity.  Inner knowing helps one navigate volatility.  Social progress with compassion is the key motive of Aquarius.  How do you bring progress to humanity?  How do you encourage the uniqueness of each voice.  Answers to these questions are essential for planting your seeds on today's New Moon.

The Chinese New Year of the Fire Monkey brings an awareness of mental, emotional and physical agility and playfulness.  All of these qualities will be helpful as the Fire Monkey brings change to all areas of life so "expect the unexpected" is the rule of thumb.  On the other hand, the Monkey Year brings out the value of how having fun can lead you to your goals.  Tune into how having fun can brighten up your life in general. The key is to do it in such a way that your excitement for the joys of having fun does not alienate the ones closest to you.

Gong Hey Fat Choy!

Dr. Khaleghl Quinn. PhD is a Best Selling Author, Spiritual Counselor, and Composer.
For phone, Skype and in person appointments:  CALL:  (510) 818-8154


  1. Well said, Khaleghl! What a great thought process in which to start this new cycle and new year!

    1. Dear Sharon,
      Thank you for your interest and much appreciated support. It pleases me to know our thoughts are in tune as usual! May you enjoy the best this New Year has to offer, Khaleghl
