Friday, January 8, 2016

NEW MOON in CAPRICORN: Ancient Wisdom Infused Foundations

This New Moon offers us the opportunity to literally set the practical stage for how we want to grow. 

Mercury Retrograde with the New Moon

 With Mercury having ventured into its retrograde position from the 5th - the 25th of January, these changes must start from within.  Structure is valuable in that it provides a container that has the ability to shape our perceptions of ourselves and others.  The foundations we choose or we let choose us, can support, inhibit or free us to live purposefully.

Structuring Your Time with Wisdom

It is time to pour your intent into structuring your reality in all the necessary practical ways that will lead to your goals.  Time to intervene, assess, and restructure for fulfillment.  Time can be an illusive element unless it is structured toward fulfilling ends.  In the world of martial arts - strategic use of energy - any action does not lead to a fruitful end is discouraged.  Even what we may have considered to be failures can be salvaged and transmuted into wisdom given the desire to excavate and utilize them to this end.  

Embrace the Infinite Mother and Father Within

Now is a time to connect to the wisdom of your ancestors as well as your personal sense of your ancient wisdom and ground yourself in it.  Find peace within it. Anchor yourself in it.  Tune into the most loving stabilizing nurturing Mother Strength and the most providing protective loving Father Guidance inside. Be sure this is foundational to your intentions.

Build Foundations for the Future and Recoil from Giving Your Power* Away

Our individual  structured voice in the world, or choice of vocation,  shapes our perceptions of ourselves and the bandwidth potential of our capabilities.  We all know how government shapes. education shapes, ancestors shape and parents shape.  In the depth of this time of the new moon you have the power of all the above. This power is compounded by Mercury's Retrograde motion.  In order to gain the greatest benefits from the structures that shape you,  it behooves you to look at the ways you give your power away to ensure a stable foundation, because no matter how strong of a foundation you create giving away your power to be your authentic Self is the crack in that foundation.  I have certainly learned this one along the way. We give our power away because we have learned somewhere along the way that we do not deserve it.  Each of us deserves to express our unique selves out in the world.  It is a birth right provided we are contributing something to heal ourselves and the world.

The area of life where restructuring is necessary shows in your birth chart.

*Your inner authority, inner knowing,  authentic deepest radiant sense of Self

Happy excavating!  Enjoy building all you glorious architects!

Dr. Khaleghl Quinn, PhD, is a best-selling Author, Cosmologist, and Spiritual Coach.
Soul and Life Purpose Consultations are available by phone, Skype or in person by appointment.

1 comment:

  1. Khaleghl, I LOVE your posts -- so meaningful and articulate (you have such a gift with expressing themes that are often so challenging to put in words into a universally understood manner) ~ This post is a great reminder for us to renew and reset our Highest Intentions for the life we have come here to fully experience and enjoy -- YES!! Thank you for this! Rev. Sharon Wilson
