Friday, August 14, 2015

Cosmologically Speaking, this New Moon in Leo is an excellent opportunity to evaluate affairs of your heart and set the stage for a new chapter.   Today, until August 24th, the following areas are up for review:


Leo is the lion - king of the jungle.  It is all about leadership.  Each of us has our unique area and ways of leading.  Anyone who has more than one set of eyes watching and depending upon them is a leader.  The strongest leader does so from the heart and soul.  Name three of your passions.  Which one can you not live without?  How would you like it to go forward? Today is a good day to write down or speak aloud your next-step intention(s).  Humility in the mix makes leadership particularly effective.


Sometimes when these passions do not readily appear for my clients I ask: What was your favorite way of playing as a child when you were completely absorbed in your own world, and the rest of the world disappeared?  If you do not remember how you played, what was your favorite activity - reading, being social, sitting quietly in nature or sports activities?  Before you may have been conditioned by others, the child in you was in touch with the Creator.  Play is the expression of your divinity.  The activity in which you were completely absorbed as a child holds a key to your heart and soul's passions.  This is a good time to set your intentions for playing on a daily basis.


Leo, the lion-hearted, does not necessarily like to be tied to a particulat schedule.  Spontaneity in creative expression is emblematic of what makes Leo tick.  Creativity makes life much more fun.  It channels stress into delightful ways of connecting with the world.  It brings your heart to the world. Courage, humor and compassion are required to creatively express yourself.  How are you expressing your creativity?  Dare to set new intentions for expressing yourself.

4.  LOVE

Love and romance are under the spotlight over the next two weeks.  How do you express your love? How are you loved?  Is it working for you?  If not, feel what your heart wants and needs... and set the intention.  Write down as much detail as possible.  To avoid creating a 'love butterfly with only one wing' be sure to write down a column that shows what you wish to give in return to correspond with each of your desires.  It is not the best time to make any sudden changes at this time.


Trust your authentic nature.  When you discover the ways and means that support you being YOU, you are promoting your life to be fueled by your royal nature -- the pure you.  It may not be easy at first if you haven't been living in the royal you.  However, if you persist in your clear intentions you will find that the universe seems to conspire to move life in your favor.  Things will start to fall into place.  Resources and helpful people will show up.  Living from your heart and soul has many benefits including your health, peace of mind, spiritual fulfillment... and the legacy you leave for loved ones.  What is your plan for stepping into your royal self?

Dr. Khaleghl Quinn offers Life Purpose Counsel.
Appointments may be made by writing to:

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