Thursday, January 12, 2017


Cosmologically Speaking, this Full Moon in Cancer illuminates an opportunity to reparent ourselves on both a physical and emotional level.  What does this mean?  The moon is most at home in its sign of Cancer.  In fact, it is most home at home.  Cancer's archetype presents the Mother force - the feminine principle, the private, holding, nurturing, feeding, emotional security, intuition, the women in our lives, caring for the young and the elderly, where we come from, the soul.  The symbol 69 represents the arms embracing loved ones.  It is the paragon of emotional intimacy and tenderness.  It rules the breasts, chest and stomach - all vessels of nurturing and comforting.  You can use this cosmic energy to reflect upon your mother, how she carried you in her body to give you life and the ways you have nurtured yourself. Cancer, the moon, extremely sensitive to the environment in which it finds itself, can be highly empathic, absorbing the emotions of others.  The downside of this osmosis is creating a defensive hard shell - the Crab.  
                                                           Reflective Power

The moon is also reflective.  This is the spiritual faculty of the reflect what is.  In some spiritual meditation practices, such as my own, one is encouraged to have the mind as luminous and tranquil as a full moon reflected on a lake.  The moon knows how to create and find home within itself.

                                          The Father Principle - A Time for Paradigm Shifts

Capricorn, the Sun's occupation right now, carries the Father force - the more public principle or parent who is out in the world.  It is the archetype for protector, giver, manifestation, inspiration, foundations, master, builder, organizer on a large scale, the government.. the president.  Now, more than ever, each of us needs this principle to navigate and thrive in the world.  Capricorn, at its purest, is the manifestation of spirit in physical matter.  It rules the skeleton, the knees, teeth and skin.  The Sea Goat emerges from the depth of the unconscious, the ancient memories, to the top of the mountain.  You can use this cosmic archetype to reflect upon your father, your Creator, as well as all the ways you have built your body, presented some element of yourself in public, provided for yourself and family, protected yourself, your family, country, world or universe.  The downside of this is authoritarianism at its worse.  Capricorn has been infused with Pluto, the great transformer, the use of power, the powerful and the powerless, the illuminator paradigm-shifter...since 2008.  It will be there until 2024.  We are right in the middle of this shift in the governing foundations upon which we have relied for generations. The middle is the messiest time.  It is a time of endings and one of beginnings.  Pluto reveals secrets.   It also pushes the masses to grow, to evolve.  Know that you are not alone in the light.


                                    A Time to Reparent - The Question for All is How?

While all of this paradigm shifting is happening give yourself the gift of structuring constructive ways of nurturing yourself physically and emotionally.  Tenderness is so important in these changing times.  How do you wish to care for yourself and your intimates?  How do you wish to provide for yourself and protect yourself and your loved ones?  This is what is up right now for all of us.  The Capricorn archetypal question is "how?"  Ultimately, how are you parenting yourself so that you may grow into your potential?  

Wishing you all the best!

Thank you for your interest in my blogs.  This will be my last public blog on this site for a while.  I will be focusing on 'Open Possibilities Now' and 'Practically Speaking' blogs.  If you would like to continue receiving the Cosmologically Speaking blog every two weeks write to me on: