Friday, September 25, 2015

GEAR UP for THE UPCOMING SUPERMOON ECLIPSE: Grow and Flow in the Best of Human Connectivity

Dear Global Friends and Family,

We are thrown into the hot/cold crucible of global/personal decision-making in the build up of this month's cosmological series of events.  The emphasis on creating balance, harmony and compassion is glaring in the face of current events.

Cosmologically Speaking, strong oppotunity for evolution within ourselves and in the world starts with Mercury Retrograde - September 17th and  culminates in the rare supermoon eclipse - this Sunday, the 27th.  Interposing is Saturn's heroic rise from the depths of transformative Scorpio into Saggittarius - September 19.   In short, we will never be the same after the supermoon.

Mercury Retrograde - September 17th - October 9th

Much dreaded Mercury Retrograde started on the 17th,  It is true Murphy's Law can seem to be the ruler during this time unless you know how to work with its gift.  Misunderstandings, miscommunications, mail interference, flights cancelled, car challenges...the list goes on.  Classic advice warns against signing contracts and making important decisions during this interval.  Mercury is the symbol for communication, media  all conveyences and our connection with our environment. How gracious of the Maker of the cosmos to give us both preparation time before and reflective time after the Blood Supermoon Eclipse.

Stories can change the world.  Download for FREE my dramatic 17-minute audio tale about the environment: Great Joy in the Lotus Garden.  It employs mysticism and cultural unity on: on the Products page - Tools for Enlightenment Boutique

 The key to making Mercury Retrograde work for you is to go inward...become reflective...meditate...observe instead of react so you can respond in such a way that leads to more peace, harmony and elevation of all who are suffering.  I should say, as I often do, that I do not subscribe to any one religion, rather, I am a spiritual person.   In the next statement in my reference to His Holiness, Pope Francis,  I am not prescribing a religion, but a practice.  It was poignant today to watch the Pope at the 9/11 reflective waters before he entered the museum.  All cameras were on him waiting for him to do or say something interesting. Soon the cameras turned away as he stood still, palpably feeling the pain and suffering that, of course, still lingers...and he stood in a state of reflection.  Mercury Retrograde offers the gift of reflection.  Pope Francis demonstrated how to do this as well as how to respect other faiths.  Stop, feel, empathize, understand and then take action.  This is a major teaching that can heal the imbalances in Western culture - the Gift of Mercury Retrograde.

Tip: Cultivate your relationship with your inner sanctum that is reflective and is centered in a peace that cannot be disturbed...a tall order I know but you can do it.  It is already inside you.  Being still is the way there.  Let this be your default in times of challenge.  Remember, consciousness is contagious in the field.  Your inner peace can be your contribution to making the world a better place. 

Saturn in Sagittarius - September 19th, 2015 - December 2017

Saturn represents the disciplinary areas of our lives - as part of the father principle, building, tradition, architechture, integrity and doing what it takes to make ideas concrete.  Saggitarius is the expanding, positive, protective, teaching, spiritual part of our nature.  It will be fascinating to see what will issue forth over the next couple of years as a result of the conflation of these two opposite forces. The zealous religious passion that is associated with Sagittarius can be tempered by Saturn.

Watch how any long term relationships will be spotlighted.  If the relationship is no longer elevating to both/all involved it can be a time of change.  We are pushed to evolve.  This nudge extends inward to our relationship to our beliefs.  It is wise to review what you believe about life, where you express confidence, what you stand for...your bigger picture.  It is a time to expand out of stagnation in all forms. What do you believe?  It will manifest over these next two years.  Interesting timing for Pope Francis, a Sagittarian, born in the year of the Ox...great stamina to fulfill destiny.  He is clearly manifesting himself as a paripetetic* spiritual leader.  Today I heard of a children's toy, a Ninja Turtle that opens up to many rooms including a meditation room.  How about that?  Meditation has quietly become a mainstream guide for our next generation.

Other considerations:

1.  Sagittarius rules the hips.  Dance.
2.  Long distance plans may feel out of reach over the next few years or they can now become

Supermoon Lunar Eclispe - Sunday, September 27th  - not again until 2033

Finally in this grand trilogy of cosmological events we have the Supermoon.  The moon will be full in its closest point in its orbit around the Earth making it appear 14% larger and 33% brighter than other full moons.   Looming, literally large, this ecliptic energy is a confluence of the Sun, Earth and opportunity for integration.  In the spiritual world in which I live, the Sun represents the pure essence radiating, the Moon, the love and light of the soul, and the Earth is the body instrument of both.  Sunday they will be in alignment in the healing sign of Pisces.  Here we have an excellent time for integrating the balance of love of self and other.  Eclipses bring up issues and qualities from the past that we have not fully integrated.  In the sign of Pisces mercy and compassion for those who are suffering who have been shunted into oblivion in our social plumbing such as mental institutions prisons, and refugees is the flavor that has not been fully digested throughout the years.

What seemed impossible can now come to pass.  One will likely feel the tug between self, relationship and humanity at large unless these three are already integrated within you.  Events that spike at this time until 2033 will either lead us to more peace or to our destruction with use of aggression.  It can seem like an Armageddon.  As my clear seeing friend, Sharon Wilson says, "We have arrived at the fork in the road with ourselves, each other and our global home."  Which way will you choose? Peace and evolution or conflict? Often referenced as a "Blood Moon" we can feel the commonality of being divine-human beings or loose our blood through senseless agression.   Now can be a time of integrating peace...perhaps the peace that many spiritual teachers say is the very culmination of spiritual practice.  It is a time when our prophets are speaking.  Are you one?

Enjoy the elevation back to your inner most sacred nature!

Other Tips:

1.  Pisces rules the feet.  Take good care of them.  I, for one, went shopping for a good pair of shoes and orthotics today.

2.  Enjoy the richness of diversity in music, food and cultures.

3.  Let yourself be in the Flow in all areas.

Ever in the Joy of Love and the Light of the Soul,


* moving from place to place often on foot

Dr. Khaleghl Quinn is a best-selling Author, Composer and a Spiritual Counselor.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

This New Moon

The New Moon in Virgo - September 13, 2015

What is most authentic?  What is the most efficient route to everything?  What will lead to improvement in every area?

These are the three guiding spokes that will turn the wheels of your life toward greater satisfaction.

What did Socrates say.. A life unexamined is a life...?

This new moon offers the opportunity for each of us to examine our mind/body connection through a physical practice such as yoga, qigong, pilates and learning anything that will bring improvement to our experience of life.  Is it any wonder that school begins at this time of year?  This new moon is a fertile time to enjoy the art of learning.

The forces are with us - steering us to analyze the most important areas of our lives, to discern what to keep and what to release. Keeping to the simplest, most fruitful route is a good policy for everything.  This can be a perfect time to develop one's  business... to take it to where you have been wanting it to go.  Find ways to release yourself from false guilt you may have been carrying that has held you back.

 The Importance of Nature

Nature is the best sanctuary for stress relief during this time of heightened mental activity.  Communication with animals is good for the heart and reducing the tendencies to worry and push oneself to perfection.

Having been fortunate to have been born into a family of five Virgos I can say that I learned a great deal about the joys of engaging in studies and activities that bring improvement.  From my father who could analyze any subject and person and extract its core value, to my shamanic grandmother who practiced health and healing through nutrition, herbs and being absorbed in nature, to my two sisters - one who I observed easily flowing through thirty-two errands in twelve hours, and the other who could make a pattern for any outfit and who has been Teacher of the Year with her skills in elevating the academic skills of young students born under the influence of drugs such as crack, to my youngest brother who was able to analyze any lock and create a key for it when he was just eleven years old... the effective Virgo Dynamic was always in full force.  Our pets included tortoises, rabits, dogs, cats, chickens, lizards, seahorses, homing pigeons, guppies and goldfish.

Happy Birthday to my sister and sister-in-law!  

A Year of Detail Development

Jupiter in Virgo - from August 11th 2015 - September 9, 2016

With Jupiter in Virgo for a year everything I mentioned above is magnified.  Attention to details is fully encouraged and supported this year.  It is a year of developing service practices.  Discover more about your community and how you may better serve it.

 Hold on, helpful people are on the way.  Set it into motion by being a helpful person.  The key is to discern the best ways to deliver your service and the best markets that will receive them.  Setting your work up this way will become a foundation for the next twelve years.

Don't forget to see the forest while working on all the trees!  Enjoy

Khaleghl Quinn, Ph.D. is a Master in the Awakened Arts and Sciences. She is a cosmologist, teacher and counselor.